Terms & Conditions


You can pay online via Paypal. You will always receive a receipt for your purchase. You can sign up for a membership which is a recurring payment monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

You can also sign up for courses (monthly live classes) and private coaching which will be a one-off payment.

What happens if I can’t continue with my course and need to quit?

You can cancel at any time by going to your account settings and cancelling your subscription payment and we  will make sure no more payments come out.

Once a payment has been made no refunds/part refunds are given.

In the event of absence from a live class there are no refunds. Where possible, a recording of the live class will be made available.

Can I join a course in the middle of the month?

Yes, you can! Just sign up and start to enjoy our video library and join live classes!

Timetable and fees

The timetable of live classes and events and menu of pre-recorded sessions are not a fixed term. ted will always try to improve the quality of classes available and may remove or replace existing pre-recorded videos or scheduled classes to enhance our offering. ted reserves the rights to change and amend the timetable and fees depending on the needs identified in our students and to operate a successful business. We will always make sure to announce changes to live events with plenty of notice where possible and offer suitable alternatives when necessary.


By subscribing to ted, you confirm that you accept the written terms and conditions.

Waiver of Liability

I recognise and understand the risks of physical injury inherent to dance and dance training and I fully assume those risks. I hereby release ted and their partnered instructors and coaches from all liability for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted by me while participating in any pre-recorded or live lessons, rehearsals, workshops, events or performances. I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless ted, partnered instructors and coaches in relation to all liabilities, costs and judgments arising from acts or omissions committed by me which result in injury or damage to any person or property.

Instructors and Coaches

ted will endeavour to provide consistency with instructors and coaches for the instruction of Group & Private Lessons/Appointments. The suitability and subsequent appointment of a teacher shall be at the absolute discretion of ted at all times. Should a teacher or coach start to teach a course but fail to complete the full course of lessons, which have been paid for, this will not constitute grounds for full or part refund of fees as long as ted find a suitable replacement teacher or coach to teach the remainder of the course. Should ted not be able to find a suitable replacement teacher or coach, a credit will be offered towards the cost of a future course once a suitable teacher or coach has been found. It remains at the absolute discretion of ted to offer the alternative of a refund in such circumstances. Instructors, coaches and appointments/classes are subject to change without notice. ted reserves the right to cancel classes if necessary.

Personal Agreement

You represent and warrant to ted that:

(a) you are in good health and know of no medical or other reason why you cannot participate in the classes, appointments and events.

(b) any questions concerning your health and your ability to participate in the classes, appointments and events provided or hosted by ted have been discussed with your doctor, or will be discussed with your doctor, before you participate in the said events, classes and appointments.

(c) You acknowledge to, and agree with ted that:

(i) you are responsible for your own health and will inform your doctor and ted if you experience any changes in your health while you participate in the classes, appointments and events; and

(ii) you are responsible for, and will, inform ted of any physician-directed exercise modifications or restrictions, all prescription medications, non-prescription medications that may adversely affect your ability to participate on an ongoing basis, during the classes, appointments and events; and

(iii) neither ted nor any of their employees or contractors are health care practitioners or otherwise providing a health service and, consequently, none of them can be expected to diagnose, recognise or treat individual health problems that you may experience (or have experienced) prior to, or, during your participation in the classes, appointments and events and/or whilst you are obtaining the Services.


ted reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time without prior notification.

Refunds and remedies–services

Regretfully, we are unable to refund or credit any sessions if you change your mind about the services you asked for. If you are unable to attend a private session you must inform ted in writing twelve hours in advance of the time of your booked sessions. Cancellations within twelve hours of a booked session will not be refunded. ted takes its reputation and customer service very seriously and we appreciate any and all feedback on issues you may have experienced whilst at our studios. We always appreciate the opportunity to address any concerns you may have and remedy them.

Acknowledgement of Waiver

I acknowledge and represent that I have fully informed myself of the content of these terms and conditions including the waiver, releases and indemnities I am providing in favour of ted by reading before giving my consent and agreement, and I confirm that I agree to this document as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements have been made. I further state that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and am fully competent to consent to these terms and conditions and to give the releases, waivers and indemnities contained within them; and that I execute these terms and conditions for full, adequate, and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by the same.

By subscribing to ted you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

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